1-42 Installing User Software on a Windows Computer
ES3640e MFP EFI User’s Software Installation Guide - 42
Each connection (Hold, Print, or Direct) requires a new printer
driver and printer description file. To set up pri nting t o a sec ond or
third print connection, repeat the procedure “To set up SMB
printing on Windows NT 4.0” on page 1-42. If you install more
than one printer, give each a descriptive name during printer
driver installation, such as Aero-Print or Aero-Hold, so you can
easily identify printers.
Note:To change printer defaults and configure installable options
from Windows NT 4.0, you must log on with the special log-in
name, ‘efi_admin_efi’ (instead of Administrator) and use the
password specified in Fiery Setup. If you log on as a User, you can
install the printer driver through Point and Print, but you cannot
modify printer defaults and configure installable options.
Before you begin
Configure the Fiery for SMB printing in Run Setup > Network
Setup > Service Setup > Windows Setup.
SMB printing is referred to as Windows Printing in Setup, on the
Control Panel Map, and on the Configuration page. For more
information, see Chapter 2 of the Configuration Guide.
To set up SMB printing on Windows NT 4.0
1. Double-click Network Neighborhood.