1-68 Installing User Software on a Windows Computer
ES3640e MFP EFI User’s Software Installation Guide - 68
Using Fiery utilities for the first time
Before you can use the newly installed software, you must
configure the connection to the Fiery.

Configuring the connection for Fiery utilities

The first time you start one of the Fiery utilities, you must
configure the connection to the Fiery. Similar configuration is used
for all Fiery utilities, so a change in one configuration affects all
the other connections. Configuration for most Fiery utilities is
described in the following procedure.
For configuration of specific Fiery utilities, see “Configuring the
connection for Command WorkStation” on page 1-70.
Before you begin
Print the Configuration page from the ES3640e MFP Control Panel.
This page contains information you need when configuring the
connection, such as the IP address. For TCP/IP installations, you
can use the DNS name of the Fiery instead of the IP address.
Make sure the Fiery is already registered in a Domain Name
Server (DNS) on your network. For more information, see your
Windows system documentation.
To configure the connection for Fiery utilities
1. Start the utility for which you want to configure a connection.
For details, see the Printing Guide.
2. If the No Servers Configured dialog box appears, click OK.
If the Choose Printer Device dialog box appears, click Add.
3. Enter the appropriate information for the Fiery.
Nickname—Enter a name for the Fiery. This name does not have
to match the actual Server Name of the Fiery.