Measure the distance of 0.4m (1.3ft) | At 0.4m (1.3ft), position your subject |
with the green mark on the strap. | within the area outlined by the close- |
*0utside of 0.4m (1.3ft) the shutter | up correction marks. |
will release, even though correct | The shaded area is the area that will |
focus has not been achieved. | actually be taken. |
*In this mode, the "AF" indicator |
(green) will not light up in the |
viewfinder. |
*In this mode, none of the flash or subject modes can be used.
*After releasing the shutter, the super macro mode will be automatically canceled.
*To return to the normal shooting mode before releasing the shutter, press the super
macro button or the zoom button.
Green mark
Close-up correction frame