Getting to Know the Power Amplifier
Front Panel
bcd e f
The page numbers in parentheses show where you can find the main explanation for each item.
aPower meter (➔ 21)
The power meter shows the output power level.
The large power meters have been designed so that the indicator needles move up to the peak level quickly and then return more slowly. This makes it easier to read transient power levels which last for only a fraction of a second.
x1 or x10 lights when the power meter range is x1 or x10. The Off LED in the middle lights when the power meter are turned off.
Before entering standby mode with the Asb function, the Off LED flashes 30 seconds before the ASb function starts running.
cON/STANDBY button (➔ 20)
This button is used to set the power amplifier to On or Standby.
dPOWER switch (➔ 20)
This is the main power switch. When set to OFF, the power amplifier is completely shutdown. It must be set to ON to set the power amplifier to On or Standby.
eStandby LED (➔ 20)
Lights when the power amplifier is in Standby mode. Flashes if the protection circuitry has been activated.
fMETER RANGE button (➔ 21)
This button is used to switch the power meter range: x1, x10 or off.