OPR 3001
Specifications Manual
In the “Reading” column, “” means “Enable reading” and “X” means “Disable
In the “Transmit code length” column, “” means “Transmit code length” and
X” means “Do not transmit code length.”
In the “Transmit CD” column, “” means “Transmit check digit” and “X” means
“Do not transmit check digit.”
In the “Calculate CD” column, “” means “Calculate check digit” and “X
means “Do not calculate check digit”.
10.3. Default Settings 2: Read Options, Trigger, Buzzer
Item Default Setting
Setting the number of characters Fixed length OFF all codes
Read mode Multiple read
Multiple read reset time 500 ms
Add-on wait mode 500 ms
Multiple read Disable multiple read
Multiple columns read Disable multiple columns read
Redundancy Read 1 times, redundancy = 0
Trigger switch Enable trigger
Trigger repeat Disable trigger repeat
Auto trigger Disable auto trigger
Read time 2 seconds
Margin check Margin c heck normal
Buzzer duration 50 ms
Buzzer tone 3 kHz (single tone)
Buzzer loudness Maximum
Buzzer timing Buzzer before transmission
Startup buzzer Enable startup buzzer
Indicator duration 200 ms