OPR 3001
Specifications Manual
• In the “Reading” column, “” means “Enable reading” and “X” means “Disable
• In the “Transmit code length” column, “” means “Transmit code length” and
“X” means “Do not transmit code length.”
• In the “Transmit CD” column, “” means “Transmit check digit” and “X” means
“Do not transmit check digit.”
• In the “Calculate CD” column, “” means “Calculate check digit” and “X”
means “Do not calculate check digit”.
10.3. Default Settings 2: Read Options, Trigger, Buzzer Item Default Setting
Setting the number of characters Fixed length OFF all codes
Read mode Multiple read
Multiple read reset time 500 ms
Add-on wait mode 500 ms
Multiple read Disable multiple read
Multiple columns read Disable multiple columns read
Redundancy Read 1 times, redundancy = 0
Trigger switch Enable trigger
Trigger repeat Disable trigger repeat
Auto trigger Disable auto trigger
Read time 2 seconds
Margin check Margin c heck normal
Buzzer duration 50 ms
Buzzer tone 3 kHz (single tone)
Buzzer loudness Maximum
Buzzer timing Buzzer before transmission
Startup buzzer Enable startup buzzer
Indicator duration 200 ms