Optimus - Katadyn Products Inc MODEL 61, MODEL 111 Additional Information, Troubleshooting

Models: MODEL 111 MODEL 61

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16-548.fm Page 34 Tuesday, July 20, 1999 4:54 PM



If you follow the instructions in this manual and still have trouble operating your VCR, refer to the following troubleshooting chart.








No power.

The power cord is not connected. Plug the power cord into an AC






Cannot make a timer record-

The program timer is not set or is set incorrectly. Check the



program timer.


The power is on. Turn off the power.



Cannot record.

The erase-protection tab is missing. Place a piece of tape over the


tab hole.




Picture is poor on playback.

The TV’s channel selector is not set to the proper channel. Set



the TV to Channel 3 or 4.


The TV’s fine tuning is not set correctly. Fine tune your TV.


Audio/video connections are incorrect. Check all connections.




The playback picture is dis-

The video heads are dirty. See “Cleaning the Video Heads” on



Page 36.


Tracking is not properly adjusted. Adjust the tracking.




No picture on playback.

The TV is not set to the proper channel. Set it to Channel 3 or



4 or to its audio/video input if you connected it to the VCR’s





Audio/video connections are incorrect. Check all connections.




Remote control buttons do

The remote control’s batteries might be weak. Replace the

not work when the power is



on and a cassette is inserted.

Something is blocking the path from the remote control to the





Bright light is shining on the VCR’s remote control sensor win-



dow. Come closer to the VCR, or change the VCR’s location.


Be sure the VCR is not locked.




Cannot see broadcast TV

TV/VCR is not set correctly. Press TV/VCR so the VCR displays

programs using the VCR’s




Audio/video connections are incorrect. Check all connections.




Cannot record from the input

Connections are incorrect. Use shielded audio/video cables



with phono-type connectors to connect the source to the



VCR’s input jacks.


INPUT is not set correctly. Select LINE 1 or LINE 2.




No stereo sound for a stereo

You have not connected the VCR’s AUDIO OUT jacks to a ste-

recording (Model 61 only).


reo system or stereo TV. Connect the jacks to a stereo output.


The audio out setting is not correctly set. Set it to STEREO.


The tracking is not properly adjusted. Adjust the tracking.







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Optimus - Katadyn Products Inc MODEL 61, MODEL 111 owner manual Additional Information, Troubleshooting