Upgrading your MP120 MP3 player with the latest firmware ensures the device provides optimal playback performance:
1.Go to the Oregon Scientific website (www.oregonscientific.com) to download the MP120 firmware update (.zip file).
2.Unzip the file into the directory recommended by Windows and install the software by
NOTE: If this is not the first time you are performing a firmware upgrade, please uninstall the old version before installing the new firmware update.
3.After the firmware has been installed, restart your computer.
4.After the PC has finished booting up, connect your MP3 player to the PC via the USB cable.
5.Run the software by going t o S t a r t > P r o g r a m s >
O r e g o n S c i e n t i f i c M P 1 2 0 > F i r m w a r e Upgrade.
6.The current and updated firmware version is displayed in a window. Click the Start button to begin the firmware upgrade process.
7.If a window pops up with the prompt, "Application has detected that firmware download will result in formatting the data area. Formatting data area will erase the media contents," cancel the upgrade process and back up the data stored on player onto your computer first. Then restart the process again.
8.OR, you are given the option to format your MP3 player before the firmware upgrade. Check the Format Data Area box and then click the Start button. All data stored in the MP3 player is erased and the firmware upgrade process begins.
MP120 Eng R3 OP | 14 | 8/25/04, 11:56 AM |