PR18manualSpecialtyversion 6/28/06 11:49 AM Page 5
To learn about a country, use the tip of the SmartPen™ to touch one of the 'Touch' categories on the activity panel (located on the base), and then use the SmartPen™ to point to a place on the globe. To learn more about a particular country, use the SmartPen™ to touch a different category on the activity panel, and touch the country again.
Continent | Time | Weather |
Name | Area | Features |
Capital | Highest Point | History |
Leader | Geography | Language |
Population | Currency | National Anthem |
To compare information between two places, such as distances, flying times, and exchange rates, choose a category under ‘Compare,’ and then touch two countries on the globe one after the other. The SmartPen™ will even let you compare places on the U.S. map with places on the main Globe.
Note: The time function will only be accurate once you have registered and updated the SmartPen™; see pages 9 and 14 for instructions. Also, the exchange rates will be based on those automatically updated at the time of your last download.
Flying Time
To play a search game, touch one of the ‘Find’ categories with your SmartPen™. The SmartGlobe™ Deluxe Edition will tell you to find certain places on the map, and you must answer the questions as quickly as you can. Each activity has 3 different levels, and for each level the player must answer the required number of questions correctly. Players need to answer the questions within the time limit; the time limit varies depending on the age group the player has selected. The “Ultimate Challenge” game is a combination of questions from all the other categories.
Local Places
Ultimate Challenge
This table shows the time limit of each game for each age group.
Game/Age | Age | Age | Age 15+ |
Continents | 90 seconds | 60 seconds | 45 seconds |
Countries | 120 seconds | 90 seconds | 60 seconds |
Capitals | 120 seconds | 90 seconds | 60 seconds |
Cities | 120 seconds | 90 seconds | 60 seconds |
Local Places | 120 seconds | 90 seconds | 60 seconds |
Ultimate Challenge | 120 seconds | 90 seconds | 60 seconds |
This table shows the number of correct answers required from the player to advance to a higher level.
Age/Level | Age | Age | Age 15+ |
Level 1 | 1 question | 2 questions | 2 questions |
Level 2 | 2 questions | 2 questions | 3 questions |
Level 3 | 3 questions | 3 questions | 3 questions |