the System sections for detailed instructions on setting up the level controls.

INTELLi Bass Control

INTELLi Bass on the rear channels maximizes the performance of a subwoofer and allows for continuous adjustment of low frequency boost on the rear channels. INTELLi Bass can be adjusted from 0dB to 16dB of boost centered at 45Hz. Initially the Q is very low (wide). As INTELLi Bass is added, the Q rises (narrows). This allows the Orion 4004 to overcome acoustic deficiencies in your vehicle. The type of enclosure used, the sub-woofer's excursion capabil- ity, personal preference, and attitude determine acceptable boost levels.

WARNING! Exercise caution when setting INTELLi Bass. Maximum boost can potentially cause woofer damage due to overexcursion.


Power Connections

Fuse Size: (2) 30 AMP ATC

Minimum eight-gauge power and ground cable is recommended for acceptable performance.

Fuse power wire prior to wire passing through panels or near sharp edges and less than 18" from battery.

Ground the amplifier to a good chassis ground as close as possible to the amplifier.

Add extra ground wire (minimum eight-gauge) between the negative terminal of the battery and the chassis.

NOTE: The addition of a ground wire from the battery to the chassis of the vehicle improves the ability of the battery to supply power to the amplifier. This helps especially in newer vehicles, where the current delivery of the factory electrical system was designed only to accommodate electronics supplied by the auto man- ufacturer.

©2004 Directed Electronics, Inc.