Contents Page iii
ContentsChapter 1: Get Sta rted
Your Palm m100 han dheld .................... ........................ ......................1
Installing batteries .................... ............................. ........................... .....2
Setting up your han dheld ...................... ........................ ......................3
Installing Palm Desktop software.......................................................3
Connecting the HotS ync cable ............... ........................ .................4
Installing Palm Desktop software on a Windows computer ......5
Installing Palm Desktop so ftware on a Macintosh ... ....................6
Synchronizing data: Per forming the first HotSync op eration ........7
Congratulations! .... .............. ............... .............. ............... ............... .......8
Chapter 2: Enter Data
Entering data with t he onscreen keyboa rds......... ........................ .....9
Entering data with G raffiti writing.. ........................ ........................ .10
Graffiti tips .................. ......................... ........................ ....................10
Entering data with N ote Pad ........................ ........................ .............11
Entering data with P alm Desktop softw are ....................... .............11
Entering data using an external keyboa rd................... ....................11
Importing data ........................ .......................... ........................... ........11
Chapter 3: Get to Work
Adjusting the scree n ....................... ......................... ........................ ...13
Using the backlight ......... ......................... ........................ ...............13
Adjusting the contr ast .. ........................ ........................ ..................13
Using Address Book .. ........................ ........................ ......................... 14
Creating an Address Book entry ....... ........................ ....................1 4
Viewing and changing an Address Book ent ry ............. .............15
Deleting an Address Book entry ........................ ........................ ...15
Using Date Book .................. ......................... ........................ ...............16
Creating an event ....... ........................... ........................ ..................16
Creating an untime d event . ........................ ......................... ..........17
Creating a repeating or continuous event ...................................18
Rescheduling an eve nt .................. ........................ ........................ .18
Changing the Date B ook view ........ ......................... ......................1 9
Deleting an event ... ........................ ........................... ...................... 20
Using To Do List ..................... ........................ ........................ .............21
Creating a To Do Lis t item ....... ........................... ........................ ...21
Changing a To Do L ist item .......... ........................ ........................ .22
Marking a To Do Li st item complete ........................ ....................2 3
Deleting a To Do Li st item .. ........................ ......................... ..........23