Chapter 4 Page 39
Check your handheld settings:
1. Turn on your handheld and tap the Applicat ions icon .
2. Tap the HotSync icon .
3. Tap Local above the HotSync icon and select Direct Serial from the
pick list below the HotSync icon.
4. Tap the HotSync icon to perform a HotSync operation. Continue if
you’re still having problems.
Check your Windows computer settings:
1. Right-click the My Computer icon on your Desktop and select
2. Click the Device Manager tab and double-click Ports.
3. If the port you are using for the HotSync cable shows an
exclamation point, y ou have a hardwar e conflict. To resolv e this,
consult the docume ntation that came with your comput er.
4. Click the HotSync icon on the taskbar and choose Setup.
5. Click the Local tab and make sure the Serial port setting matches
the port where you connected the HotSync cable.
6. From the Speed list, choose the 9600 setting.
7. Click OK and perform a HotSync operation. If you are still
experiencing problems, complete steps 8 and 9.
8. Click the HotSync icon on the taskbar a nd select exit.
9. Restart HotSync Manager by selecting Start, Programs, Palm
Desktop, and then HotSync Manager.
Note: If you get a warning that the port is in use, then either move
your HotSync cable to a different COM port or disable the
conflicting device to perform HotSync operations.
Check your Macintosh settings:
1. Double-click the HotSync Manager in the Palm folder.
2. Click the Serial Port Settings tab.
3. Make sure Local is selected and that the port selection m atches the
port where your HotSync cable is attached.
Note: If you get a warning that the port is in use, then either move
your HotSync cable to a different port or disable the
conflicting device to perform HotSync operations.