Chapter9 : Documents 139
Save a file with a new name
1With the file open, open the application menu and tap Save As.
2Enter the new file name and tap Save As.
Share a file
1With the file open, open the application menu and tap Share.
2Create the email message and tap .
View file prop erties
You can view properties such as the file size, date created or modified, and
1With the file open, tap the file name.
2Tap outside the file properties to dismiss them.
Work with comments, endnotes, and footnotes in a Microsoft
Word docu ment
In an open Word document, comments, endnotes, and footnotes are
indicated by highlighted text.
1Tap the text or footnote indicator to open the comment, endnote, or
2To close the comment, endnote, or footnote, tap outside it.
Select a row or column in an Excel® spreadsheet
Tap the row header or column header.
Resize rows or columns in a spreadsheet
1Open the application menu and tap Resize.
2Tap, hold, and drag the row or column.