188 Specifications
Online accounts available for webOS phones
*Sync – A two-way exchange and update of your data. What you add or change in one location is automatically added or changed in the other. Trans fe r– A one-way
update of your data. You can add or change data only in one location; the data is then copied to the other location.
**Only the data on your phone is deleted. The data source is not affected.
Table 2. Online accounts available for webOS phones
Account/Behavior Applications that display
data from this account
Relationship between
phone and online
Can I edit and add info to
this account on my
Can I edit and add data to
this account on the web?
What happens when I
delete this account from
one app**
Exchange Acti ve
Contacts, Calendar, Tasks,
Sync Yes Yes All data from all affected
apps is simultaneously
Facebook Contacts, Calendar Contacts, Calendar:
Transfer (from web to
Photos: Transfer/upload
(from phone to web)
Photos only Contacts and Calendar
Only info in that app is
deleted; info remains in
other apps
Google My Contacts, Calendar,
Messaging, Email
Sync Yes Yes Only info in that app is
deleted; info remains in
other apps
LinkedIn Contacts Transfer (from web to
No Yes Only one app is affected:
Palm profi le Contac ts, Cale ndar, Tasks,
Memos; see “Backup” for
full list of affected info
Transfer (from phone to
Yes No All data is deleted from all
affected apps; see
“Backup” for details
Photobucket Photos Transfer/upload (from
phone to web)
Yes No Only info in that app is
Yahoo! Contacts, Calendar,
Messaging, Email
Contacts: Transfer (from
web to phone)
Calendar: Sync
Contacts: No
Calendar: Yes
Yes Only info in that app is
deleted; info remains in
other apps