Palsonic 3430G owner manual Troubleshooting Guide, Symptoms Check the following items

Models: 3430G

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Troubleshooting Guide

Before calling service personnel, please check the following chart for a possible cause to the trouble you are experiencing.


Check the following items

Power is not turned on

Be sure the power cord is plugged in.



Poor colour, poor tint

Contrast, colour, tint are not correctly adjusted.



Spots appear on the screen

Possible interferences of automobiles, motorcycle,


trolley bus, neon lamps, etc.

Stripes appear on the screen

Possible interference of electronic interference


from another TV set, a computer, an electronics


game machine, a broadcast station, etc.



Double images or "ghosts"

This may be caused by reflections from nearby


mountains or buildings.


Check the antenna direction.

Snowy picture

It is possible that the aerial "lead-in" is damaged or


comes off.


Check the antenna direction.

Any one of the following:

Press "DSP" button to check whether the TV set is

No picture menu page

in Safe Mode.

No program menu page


The maximum volume can


reach 100


Some Channels can not be




TV cabinet creaks

Even if the picture or the sound is normal, changes

in room temperature sometimes makes the TV



cabinet expand or contract, making a noise. This


does not indicate a malfunction.

Remote controller does

The batteries may be worn out.

not work

The batteries may be installed with their polarity



Unevenness in colour in

When the set is switched on, do not shift or move

some parts of the screen

the set around. Sometimes it may develop an


unevenness in colour in some parts of the screen.


This can be eliminated by switching off the set with


the POWER switch and wait for 10 minutes before


switching on again.


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Palsonic 3430G owner manual Troubleshooting Guide, Symptoms Check the following items