23[For assistance, please call: 1-800-272-7033]
Operating Instructions
When registering or editing, restart all PCs connected to the LAN (home) side.
When adding more PCs after setup has been completed, connect the new PCs to jacks
LAN1 to LAN4 and then restart.
When instructed by your ISP, change the MTU value. When not instructed, leave it as the
default (1492). (see page 77)
4. Enter ISP Name.
Enter no more than 20 characters. In the
example right, "abcde" has been entered.
5. Enter User Name and Password, and if
specified by the ISP, enter Service Name,
Access Concentrator Name, DNS Server 1, 2,
and/or Domain Name.
See the ISP's setup information. To return
to the original settings, click [Cancel].
6. When setup is complete, click [Save and Go to
Connection Mode].
The connection mode page is displayed.
7. Select the ISP entered in step 4.
8. When setup is complete, click [Save].
The entered information is saved.
When saving, do not cut the power supply. If cut, saving might not be completed successfully.
9. When [Restart] is displayed on the setup page,
click it.
10. Restart the PC.
Check that the PC is connected to the
Internet. (see page 36)