KFinishing blade of MiniTrimmer Use this when finishing the edges (see fig. 8) and trimming the moustache.
LTrimmer guide of Mini Trimmer Slide it up when finishing blade is used.
Use this to connect the trimmer to an AC power source for re- charging or for AC operation.
Lubricate the space between the stationary and moving blade with 2 or 3 drops of oil after use. (see fig. 16)
OCleaning Brush
Charging and cordless trimming When charging the beard/hair trim- mer for the first time or when it has not been in use for more than 6 months, charge it for the activation for at least 16 hours before use.
Connect the power cord to the beard/ hair trimmer, and plug the adaptor to an AC outlet.
In some areas, a special plug adap- tor may be required.
The charge indicator lamp lights up when the trimmer is being charged. (see fig. 4)
You can fully charge the trimmer in 8 hours if it seems to be losing speed. A full charge will supply enough power for approx. 6 trims (5 minutes per trim for a normal beard).
AC operation
Connect the AC adaptor to the body in the same way as for charging, and set the switch to “1” to use the trim- mer.
If the trimmer does not operate after connection as mentioned above, re- turn switch to “0•charge” position for 1 minute and then set switch back to “1” position.
Trimming of beard
Place the angled face of the comb against the skin and cut the beard by moving the trimmer in all direc- tions to obtain a uniform cut. (see fig. 5)
With curly facial hair, the comb at- tachment may not cut all of the hair. In this case, remove the comb attach- ment and use a conventional comb to draw out the remaining uncut, hair. (see fig. 6)
When shaping the beard, remove the comb attachment. Place the angled edge against the skin and make the border of the beard even.
When finishing the edges (see fig.
8)and trimming the moustache (see fig. 9)
Use the finishing blade of mini trim- mer.
Slide the trimmer guide up and then turn the trimmer on (see fig. 7).
To smooth off a beard surface, run this blade lightly over the surface.
Cutting of hair
Cut hair to the correct height by mov- ing the trimmer back against the flow of the hair.
Cutting around the ears
Cut a little, and then gently separate the trimmer from the hair (see fig. 10).
Cutting the nape of the neck Bring the trimmer gently away from the hair to finish (see fig. 11).
(Do not use the trimmer in an in- verted position. This can cut hair too deeply.)
Turn off the trimmer (“0•charge”) be- fore changing the trim height or re- moving the attachment.
Blade Maintenance
The following is the symbol of washable trimmer. The symbol means that
Hold body of the trimmer with Panasonic mark upwards, place the thumb against the blades, and push them away from the main body. (see fig. 12)
• If washing in water
1.Rinse off any hairs that are stick- ing to the blade in running water. (see fig. 13)
2.Rinse out any hairs that are in- side the trimmer with running wa- ter. (see fig. 14)
3.Shake the trimmer
4.Apply a few drops of the oil to the points indicated by the arrows. (see fig. 16)
5.Remount the blade on the trim- mer body.
WARNING: Detach the trimmer from the AC adaptor before cleaning it in water.
• If cleaning with brush
1.Remove the blade and brush off the cut hairs from the blade edge.
2.Use the cleaning brush to brush off the cut hairs from the trimmer body and from around the blade. (see fig. 17)
3.Brush the cut hairs out from be- tween the stationary blade and the moving blade. Press down on the lever for cleaning in order to
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