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Zooming in on a still picture during playback (Playback zoom)
You can zoom in on still pictures during playback.
1Operate the zoom button ( )

or zoom lever ( ) to side.

You can zoom in to a maximum of 68k
(6800%). (The maximum zoom magnification
differs according to the size of the still picture.)
The unit zooms in on the central portion of the image.
If the still picture has been recorded using face detection (l92), the
unit zooms in on the detected face.
When you zoom in on a rotated still picture with a 4:3 or 16:9 aspect
ratio, the still picture before rotation is displayed. With a panorama still
picture, the rotated picture is displayed. (l111)
The more a picture is enlarged, the more its quality deteriorates.
2Shift the position of

the zoomed portion

using the SET button.

Zooming out from the zoomed still picture

Operate the zoom button ( ) or zoom lever ( ) to
side to zoom out.
Press the SET button to restore the normal display (100%) screen.

Saving the zoomed still picture

Press the button while zoomed in.
The rotation information is retained for the 4:3 and 16:9 rotated still
pictures. The rotation information is not retained for the panorama still
picture, but rotated still picture is saved.
In the case of still pictures recorded using face detection, the face
detection data is not retained.
The date and time of the recording of the original still picture are stored
as the date and time of any picture stored after zooming.