Thankyoufor purchasingthe PanasonicTelephone
for time,AM/PN/,and time/daystampon each lCM.
I ExtendedOGM
letsyou recordan outgoingmessageof any lengthon a regularaudio cassettetape
r A$il@"mffircoperation-
simplypressthe Playback/Pausebutton,and the answeringsystemwill automaticallyswitchto the Playbackmode,rewindthe ICMtape,and play any recordedmessagesWhen.yourmessagesare finishedplaying,the tape will stop and the unitwill switchto the Answermodeto recordfurther messages.
I Tone RemoteControlSystem
letsyou activatefunctionsincludingOGM Record,RemoteTurnOn/Off, MemoryPlayback,and RoomMonitoringvia any tonetelephonesystem.
I RemoteTurnOn/Off
letsyou turnthe uniton and off froma remotelocationby usinga tone teleohone.
r oGMSkip | F | ||
| specialcode lets the caller:bypassyouroutgoingmessageso thatthey can | ||
| promptlyleavetheirmessage. | I | |
I | RemoteMemoryPlayback | ||
| |||
| letsyou reviewonlythosemessageswhichhaven'tbeen playedbefore. | ||
I | RoomMonitoring |
| |
| letsyoumonitorthesoundsin the roomwherethe | ||
| locatedfroma remotelocation. |
| |
I | MessageMemoRecording |
| |
| allowsyou to leaverecordedmemosfor familyand friends. |
| |
I | AutomaticInterrupt |
unitwill automaticallystop answeringa call and switchto the
QuickReferenceCard for remoteoperationcan be foundon page39. Detachthis Card fromthe OperatingInstructionsand carryit withyou for your convenience .