Press Station Cable AssemblyInstructions
Use this procedure to assemble the press station cable of the ParaBody gSI)ST
A.Secure '~he ball end of the press cable (105) and two
Route the ~hreaded end of the press cable (105) through the large hole in ~he press frame (17)
and. secure to.the front slot of th2 press arm adjust (23) using one
Loop the cable over the pulley prior fo inserting if inio the slot.)
Secure the press cable (19,~) and one 4'1/2" pulley (110) to,,~he press base (15), usfng one
cable under the pulley prior to inserting it into the slot.)~
Secure the press cable
(111)to therearsloto!, thepressarmadjust(23),
using one 3/8 x
into the slot.)