Configure Branch
8-313980-A2-GB30-40 October 1998
Table 8-5
(4 of 5)
Leased Line Configuration Options
*Auto Redial
Nxt Dir_1 Dirs_1-2 Dirs_1-3 Dirs_1-4 Dirs_1-5 Dirs_1-6 Dirs_1-7 Dirs_1-8 Dirs_1-9 Dirs_1-10
Auto Redial. Works in conjunction with the Bad Lines Auto Originate and Rate Auto Originate options. It allows repeated
automatic dial backup attempts by specifying the range of directory locations that can be tried. The modem must be in
Originate mode.
Dir_1 – The modem will use only directory location 1 for automatic dial backups.
Dirs_1-2 – The modem will use directory location 2 in the event of call failure using directory location 1.
Dirs_1-3 – The modem will use directory location 3 in the event of call failure using the preceding entries.
Dirs_1-10 – The modem will use directory location 10 in the event of call failure using the preceding entries.
AT command equivalent is S37=
*AutoDialStandby: Disable
Nxt Disable 15min 1hr 4hr Test(2min) Adv15min Adv30min Adv1hr AdvTest2min
Automatic Dial Standby. Permits a modem operating on dial lines (regardless of the method of dialing origination) to
check the quality of the leased lines periodically and, if they are good, to disconnect from the dial lines and resume
operations on the leased lines.
The time interval that the modem uses to check the quality of the leased lines is determined by the configuration option.
These intervals are 15 minutes, 1 hour, and 4 hours.
The normal settings cause an interruption of data flow on the dial line while the leased-line connection is checked. The
Advanced settings allow data flow to continue without interruption while the leased line is evaluated.
If Advanced settings are used, then both modems must be configured to the same Advanced setting.
The Test(2min) selections are for testing this feature only.
The factory default is Disable.
AT command equivalent is S-register S47=
*CarrierOn Level: –43dbm
End –43dbm –26dbm
Carrier On Level. This configuration option controls the carrier detection threshold for leased lines. When the power level
of the receive carrier signal drops 2 dBm below this level (either –26 dBm or –43 dBm), LSD turns Off. When the carrier
signal is greater than this level, LSD turns ON.
The factory default is –43dbm.
AT command equivalent is S-register S48=
V29 TrainOnData: Disable
Nxt Disable Enable
This configuration option only appears when Leased-Line Rate is configured for V29.
V.29 Train On Data. When enabled, the modem receiver can train based upon the incoming data or a training sequence
from the distant modem. This function is necessary for a remote (tributary) modem in a V.29 multipoint network and is
recommended for a control modem as well.
The AT command is S-Register S92 =
, where
is 0 for Disable and 1 for Enable.