AC Power
If you are considering an AC line conditioner, be advisedthat it may not have a positive influence on the
Operating your D/AC-1000
Power Oo/Off
Pushtheupper section of the b~tton to turn on; lower section for off.
Sampling Frequency LEDs
and will switch to the correct sampling rateautomatically. The 44.1kHz sampling rate is standard | |
for compactdiscs. | . |
ErrorlData LED
In casethereis an interuption of datafrom the digital sourceor a malfunction of the digital source or connection,the ErrorIData LED will illuminate. This showsyou that your
Input Select Buttons and LEDs
The threeInput Selectbuttons correspondto the threedifferent types of input cormectorson the rearpane1:Coaxial, Optical!, Optical 2.
Polarity Invert Button and LED
This button allows you to selectbetween00normal opemtionand 1800 inverted polarity. Even if you know if your preamplifier and power amplifier are inverting or
. Absolute polarity is not the
+and - of both channelsare reproducedso the compressionwave of an initial musical attack
correlatesto the compressionwave (+) from outgoing speakerdiaphragmmotion ratherthan
Your choiceof 0° or 180°polarity will be strictly a matterof taste. It may be easierto detect
differencesbetween0° and 1800polarity with somerecordingsthanwith others. Don'tbe discouragedif you cannothear the difference - not everyonecan identify absolutepolarity.
Somedigital recordingsare encodedwith