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part number V150LA20A for 120 VAC input and part number V275LA20A for 208/240 VAC input.
NOTE: Sensor and valve wires may be extended for remote appli- cations. Waterproof butt connectors should be used, and the cable should be at least 16 gauge. Care must be taken to ensure a good splice and that the individual wires are correctly identified. For remote installation where the sensors are located more than 25 ft. from the controller, contact Sporlan Division of Parker for guidance.
When first powered up the numeric display will show actual superheat for Circuit 1.
1.The controller may be toggled between settings for Circuit 1 and 2 by pressing PB1 (left button).
2.When Circuit 1 is being displayed, the small Green LED will be lit.
3.When Circuit 2 is being displayed, the small Red LED will be lit.
4.If Circuit 2 is not being used its display and setting will show “00”.
5.PB2 will toggle the readings as follows and the small Green LED will be steady or flash:
•Actual Superheat, LED constant.
•Valve percentage open, LED slow flash.
6.To change superheat set point for Valve 1:
•Make sure the display shows the superheat of Valve 1.
•Press and hold PB1 and PB2 for 8 seconds, LED will flash rapidly.
•Use PB1 to increment set point.
•Use PB2 to decrement set point.
•Press and hold PB1 and PB2 for 5 seconds to lock in set point and return to actual superheat.
•To set superheat for Valve 2 toggle PB1 to Valve 2 superheat and repeat above.
7.To manually change valve position:
•Scroll to valve position reading with PB2.
•Press and hold PB1 and PB2 simultaneously for 8 seconds, Green
LED will flash rapidly.
•Increment “valve open” percentage by pressing PB1 for 1 second.
•Decrement “valve open” percentage by pressing PB2 for 1 second.
Valve will maintain manual open position for 1 hour or until PB1 and PB2 are pressed simultaneously and held for 5 seconds.
A remote panel display is available that will allow access to all the param- eters of the controller. The Remote Panel Display can be used as a set point tool in production, a diagnostic tool in the field or as a permanent readout device for the controller. A
Plug the remote display into the telephone jack (J9) on the controller. The following is a list of readings available:
SUP1 Superheat read by controller for AC circuit 1
POS1 Number of steps valve is open
circuit 1
TMP1 Temperature read by the temperature sensor
TST1 Saturated temperature for AC circuit 1
AC1 when in normal operation
PDN1 when in pumpdown for AC circuit 1
R22, 134A, 407C, 404A, 507
R22 for refrigerant
Figure 2
LGE1, SML1, MED1, ESX1, S251
LGE1 if the EEV used is an
ESX1 if the EEV used is a ESX for AC circuit 1.
S251 if the EEV is an SER 1.5 to 20.
SSP1 Superheat set point (0 to 16°F) for AC circuit 1. Default is 10°F. MOP1 Maximum operating suction pressure set point (0 to 153 PSI)
for AC circuit 1. Default is 153 PSI.
CTS1 Cut out suction pressure set point for AC circuit 1 (0 to 153 PSI) CLP1 Calibrate pressure transducer for AC circuit 1.
CLT1 Calibrate temperature sensor for AC circuit 1.
PRO1 Proportional gain set point for AC circuit 1. Number of steps per degree that superheat is above or below the superheat set point (5 to 255 steps per degree). Default is 45 for LGE1 setting, 22 for MED1 setting, and 11 for SML1 setting.
INT1 Integral set point for AC circuit 1. Number of seconds the con- troller waits to update the reference valve position. (1 to 120 seconds). Default is 10 seconds.
DER1 Derivative setpoint for valve 1. Advanced algorithm parameter that determines the slope of the change control point. Default is zero.
DON1 Time delay in seconds between end of pumpdown and compres- sor start when Relay 2 is used to pilot the compressor contactor. The
DOF1 Time in seconds that the valve is shut before the compressor Relay 2 opens to stop the compressor. Allows refrigerant pump- down/pumpout. Default is 2 seconds.
DST1 Used with DON1. Number of steps to
ENTER will toggle display between one of the displays described above
and the numeric value read for that particular display.
UP will scroll through the menu from SUP1 to POS1, etc. DOWN will scroll through the menu the opposite way.
Press and hold the UP button and ENTER button simultaneously for 5 seconds to put the controller in manual valve position. The number of steps open will be displayed and the 1000’s digit will blink.
Pressing the UP button will open the valve 1000 steps. Pressing the DOWN button will close the valve 1000 steps.
Pressing the ENTER button will change the flashing digit from 1000’s digit to the 100’s digit.