

WLAN1500 Wireless PC LAN Card

Chapter 2 :

Software Installation

This chapter will guide you through the installation of the ParkerVision Software.

Make sure that you install the software onto your computer BEFORE you install the ParkerVision Wireless LAN Card!

The ParkerVision D2D Wireless LAN Card works with Windows XP and 2000 Operating Systems.

2.1 I alli g

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he CD ROM d i e.

Most systems will begin an auto-run setup sequence once the CD is inserted. The InstallShield Wizard screen will appear.

Note: If your computer displays a message regarding this software not being certified for use with XP, you can safely answer yes and allow the installation to proceed. This software

has been tested to work with Windows XP.

Click NEXT to continue.

If the InstallShield does not automatically start, click the “My Computer” icon, navigate to the CD-ROM drive, and fi nd the fi le “setup.exe” on the CD.

Double click this fi le, and the installation process should begin as shown above.