S e l e c t i n g t h e F o r m a t S e n d i n g M o d e
There are two Format Sending Modes: As Needed and Always. To send all formats at once, select Always. To send only the correct format, select As Needed. The default is As Needed.
1 . From the Config Menu, press ← or → until you see
1.Set Format Sending Mode
2 . Press Enter. You see
Select format sending mode 1=AS NEEDED, 2=Always >
The current setting is displayed in all caps.
3 . Press 1 or 2 to select the mode you need. You return to the Config Menu.
U s i n g B a t c h S e p a r a t o r s
A batch separator is an extra label printed in between batches (print jobs) with a pinstripe pattern. Only the 9825 and 9855 printers use this option. For
The name of the print job is shown on the batch separator.
Note: The 9416 printer does not use batch separators and ignores this setting.
Batch Separator