IntelĀ® SHG2 DP Server Board Technical Product Specification Processor and Chipset
Revision 1.0 Intel Order Number C11343-001
2.4.6 Power Management
One of the embedded functions of CSB5 is a power management controller. The SHG2 server
board uses this to implement ACPI-compliant power management features. The SHG2
supports four sleep states: S0, S1, S4, and S5.
2.4.7 General Purpose Input and Output Pins The CSB5 provides a number of general-purpose input (GPI) and general-purpose output
(GPO) pins. Many of these pins have alternate functions, and thus all are not available. Table 2
lists the GPI and GPO pins used on the SHG2 baseboard and gives a brief description of their
Table 2. CSB5 GPIO Usage Table
Pad Usage Description
V3 CMIC_FATALN CMIC fatal error condition
W2 CMIC_ALERTN CMIC error condition
W3 SCSI_IDSEL_EN SCSI ID select enable
W4 CIOB1_ALERTN CIOB error condition
Y4 CSB5_NMI CSB5 NMI condition
Y1 BMC_IRQ_SMI-10 BMC SMI condition
Y2 LAN1_IDSEL_EN LAN1 ID select enable
Y19 NVRAMCLR Non-volatile RAM clear status
V17 PASSDIS-00 Allows password to be disabled
U16 CMOSCLR-00 CMOS clear status
V15 VENDER_SEL Monitor PCIRST# signal
T20 F3SETUPEN-00 Enable Inspection M ode for factory use
T19 BMC_SCI-10 BMC system control interrupt status
T18 BMCISPMD-00 Reserved
Y16 SIDE_A+000 Secondary IDE addressbit 0
V12 SIDE_A+001 Secondary IDE address bit 1
U12 SIDE_A+002 Secondary IDE address bit 2
V19 LAN2_IDSEL_EN LAN2 ID select enable
W20 VGA_IDSEL_EN Video ID select enable
U14 FRWPN Enable Frimware Write Protect Mode
Y20 ROM_CSN BIOS flash chip select