Intel® SHG2 DP Server Board Technical Product Specification Baseboard PCI I/O Subsystem
Revision 1.0 Intel Order Number C11343-001
• PCI 82550PM Network Interface Controller.
3.5.1 Device IDs (IDSEL) Each device under the PCI host bridge has its IDSEL signal connected to one bit of AD[31::16],
which acts as a chip select on the PCI bus segment in configuration cycles. This determines a
unique PCI device ID value for use in configuration cycles. Table 14 shows the bit to which
each IDSEL signal is attached for 32/33 MHz devices, and the corresponding device number.
Table 14. 32/33MHz Segment Configuration IDs
IDSEL Value Device
24 32/33MHz Slot , PCI-3 (32/33)
25 32/33MHz Slot, PCI-4 (32/33)
20 32/33MHz Slot, PCI-5 (32/33)
19 NIC 82550PM
18 ATI RAGE* XL Video Controller
3.5.2 32/33 MHz PCI Arbitration A 32/33 MHz segment supports five PCI masters: slots PCI-3 (32/33), PCI-4 (32/33), PCI-5
(32/33), 82550PM network controller, and the ATI RAGE* XL controller. All PCI masters must
arbitrate for PCI access, using resources supplied by the CSB5. The host bridge PCI interface
(CSB5) arbitration lines REQx* and GNTx* are a special case in that they are internal to the
host bridge. Table 15 defines the arbitration connections.
Table 15. 32/33MHz Segment Arbitration Connections
Baseboard Signals Device
D_PCIREQN/D_PCIGNTN 32/33MHz Slot, PCI-3 (32/33)
D_REQN4/D_GNTN4 32/33MHz Slot, PCI-4 (32/33)
D_REQN2/D_GNTN2 32/33MHz Slot, PCI-5 (32/33)
3.5.3 Network Interface Controller (NIC) The Intel SHG2 server board supports one 10Base-T/100Base-TX network subsystem based
on the Intel 82550PM NIC. The 82550PM is a highly integrated PCI LAN controller in a thin
BGA 15 mm2 package. The controller’s baseline functionality is equivalent to that of the Intel
82559, with the addition of Alert-on-LAN functionality. The SHG2 server board supports
independent disabling of the NIC using the BIOS setup menu.
The Intel 82550PM supports the following features:
• 32-bit PCI, CardBus master interface