C2900M-B (1/03) 57
Alarm input off If external sensors or simple contacts or switches will
pin 1-4 be used with the system, you need to select the
alarm input.
Click on to activate alarm triggering via an external
sensor for the selected pin. Otherwise, click off.
You also can specify whether the alarm is triggered
by the voltage level active high (normally open) or
active low (normally closed).
In addition, you can enter a name (nine characters
maximum) for the selected pin in the Name field.
Master Alarm off You can use alarm input 5 as a master alarm; for
input pin example, if a key switch is used to arm the system.
If you choose on, alarm input 5 must be active to
enable all other alarms.
Camera follows off Select on to display the image of the corresponding
alarm input camera automatically when an alarm is triggered.
Choose off to keep the current camera display.
Alarm status off Current alarm activation status can be shown in the
video image (similar to the name, date, and time
stamping discussed in Table D).
If configured to be on, the status of the activated
alarms, namely, video, motion, and input, is shown in
the upper left corner of the video image. Or, the
display can be activated as soon as an alarm
condition is reached (choose on alarm). This way, the
video image corresponding to the alarm condition is
clearly marked.
Also, there is a choice to keep the status display,
once an alarm has been triggered, even when the
original cause of the alarm is no longer present
(choose hold display), or to have the status display
follow the alarm condition (choose hold off).
(Continued on next page)
Table F. Alarm Settings (Continued)