24 C639M-A (6/04)
EXPORTING VIDEO1. Click while viewing live or playback video.
2. Click . The following window appears.
Figure 28. Exporting Video Window
3. Select the Video radio button to save a section of video.
4. Select the Start/End date and time. The default is the date and time of the current video.
You can also use the time slider to mark a time period. The selected area is marked in yellow as shown below. You can drag
the beginning/end arrows of the marked time period to increase/decrease the video section.
Figure 29. Time Slider Video Section
5. Select the event types to be shown on the time slider. All events are selected by default.
6. Export the video.
a. Click File to export the video and save it in an MPEG format.
b. Click e-Mail to attach the video in an MPEG format to an e-mail message.
7. Click Close to exit.
NOTE: You can view an exported video at any time using Export Viewer. Refer to the Export Viewer section.