8C639M-A (6/04)
Figure 1. Log-In Dialog Box
2. Enter your “User name” and Password.
3. Click Login. The main window appears. Refer to Figure 2.
GETTING STARTEDThe viewstation is already connected to the recorder and ready to operate. All you have to do is turn it on, log in, and then drag
and drop cameras into the four windows to begin viewing video.
The recording schedule and who can operate the viewstation should have been set up during the installation process. If you
want to change the recording schedule or change the users who are authorized to use this viewstation, refer to the sections on
Camera Recording Properties
Defining Users.
1. Turn the system on.
NOTE: Make sure you turn on the recorder first, and then the viewstation.
The system powers up and logs on automatically to the network. After a few seconds, the DX9100 viewstation dialog box
appears automatically. If the log-in dialog box does not appear, double-click the DX9100 viewstation icon on your desktop.