4.Return the multi-exposure switch to the origi- nal position to cancel the multi-exposure mode.


To exposure the third shot, leave the multi-expo- sure switch in the lock position in step 3 to shoot the second shot. Then return the multi-exposure switch to the original position. The film does not advance at on this stage. Depress the shutter release button to shoot the third shot. The film will advance and the single-frame shooting will be restored.

5.Recompose the frame, and depress the shut- ter release button to shoot the second shot.

When using the Multi-Exposure Mode, you usual- ly get the best result using a flash to illuminate the main subject against a dimly-lit background.

To cancel the Multi-Exposure Mode, turn the multi- exposure switch to the original position.

With the data exposure imprinting set, the data of the last frame is imprinted.