SmartLock- Movie Ratings

There are two types of ratings for
SmartLock. One is based on movie
industry ratings. The other is based on TV
industry ratings. Both can be used to cen-
sor programming.
Let’s first look at Movie Ratings. After you
have entered your personal access code,
follow the steps below:
1With BLOCK highlighted, press
lighted, press :to see the
Movie Rating options: (G, PG,
PG-13, R, NC 17, or X).
When highlighted, these options
can be turned ON (which will
block viewing) or OFF (which
will allow viewing).
3Press :or ;to turn the rating
ON or OFF.
remove the on-screen menu.
A message appears when programming is blocked by
Movie Ratings. To watch the programming, turn OFF
the Movie Rating or enter your access code. Entering
the code will unblock all Movie Ratings until you turn
off the TV. Then the blocked ratings will reset to ON.
Blocking any rating (ON) will
block all the higher ratings auto-
matically. For example, if R is
blocked manually, NC 17 and X
will be blocked automatically.
To turn a rating OFF, set each
rating individually.
Helpful Hints
NOTE: If you ever forget your code,
the 0,7,1,1 code is the factory default
and can be used to enter and create a
new one.