The Base
1) Push down the head of monitor
Foldable base available for easy wall mounting
Smart tips
1.Use the full scale template to mark on the wall the horizontal distance (130 mm) between
the two mounting screws.
-The surface for mounting area must be flat and larger than the pedestal.
-The wall must support a pull force of 10 kg for each screw.
2.At the locations marked, drill two holes in the wall, each 7 mm in diameter and 25 mm in depth.
3.Securely insert the plastic wall anchors (1) and then use the two screws (2) to fasten the mounting pedestal to the wall.
file:///D/My%20documents/dfu/B2C/ENGLISH/170N4/install/base.htm (2 of 5) [3/1/2004 6:00:23 PM]