chipsets that support the DDC/CI interface
●Microsoft Windows 2000 and XP operation systems.
●Philips monitors supporting DDC/CI interface
How to download "SmartControl Installation " file:
1.Visit http:// www.philips.com/pcstuff
2.Click into "monitors and peripheral" page
3.Select "Manuals/drivers"
4.Enter your model number
5.Select "SmartControl" download SmartControl and its driver for installation.
6.Please follow the guidance in the SmartControl installation program.
3.Accessing SmartControl
●Right click on the desktop of your PC, and select Properties from the shortcut menu pops up.
●Click on Settings tab, and click on Advanced button.
●Click Philips SmartControl tab.
4.SmartControl Options
●Display and Sound
By moving the sliding bar toward left or right, users will be able to adjust brightness, contrast, audio volume (if applicable), video noise (not applicable when using
Users can adjust the horizontal and vertical position of the screen by moving the sliding bar left and right. This function is disabled when using
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