- Cable box with S-Vi deo, component video (YPb Pr) or HDM I connectors See “C over and conne ction”
- Antenn a Through an antenna , you can w atch any HDT V programs
that a re broadcast in your area without pay ing fees.
If you’re not sure wha t HDTV progr amming is av ailable in
your are a, contac t your local content provi der or your
local electronic s retailer.
Broadc asters are currently t ransitioni ng from anal og to digit al
TV. This means that a given broa dcaster wi ll have two
channe ls on the ai r, one analog a nd one digit al.
Connec t the incom ing antenna signal to t he CABLE /
ANTEN NA 75 jack at the bottom of the TV.
See pa ge 13 for deta ils on using Autoprogra m to store
channe ls in the T V’s memory.
Note: This connec tion will supply ster eo sound to t he TV if i t is
being b roadcast by the stati on you are wa tching.
- Direct Broadcast S atellite (D BS) Satel lite system s offer ma ny of the sam e premium c hannels
availab le on cable systems, often at a lower price. To view
these channels, y ou’ll need to install a small dish a ntenna
outsid e your home.
The tw o main DBS s ystems, Di recTV and Dish Network,
require separate, proprieta ry set-top receiver boxe s to
decode their signa ls and send them to your digital T V set.
These b oxes may incl ude a digit al TV tune r for off-a ir DTV
broadc asts.
Satell ite broadca sters also provide major local chan nels,
depend ing on the market in wh ich you live.
DBS al so provides s ervice in a reas not cover ed by cable
becau se they are in rural area s or other areas not pa ssed by a
cable line.
DBS al so allows you t o watch pay-p er-view events.To connect a ccessory d evices, see Cover and Conn ection.
Refer to the bottom of the set (Mode l label) for the
correct operation voltage.
Insert the power cor d into the w all socket .
Consult your local de aler if your main power s upply volta ge is
differe nt than th at indicate d for the T V. Never place t he TV
on top o f the (AC) cor d. Placing t he TV on t op of the AC c ord
could cau se a fire or e lectric sh ock.
Remote c ontrol:
Insert the two sup plied AA A batterie s.
The bat teries supp lied do not contain the heavy met als mercur y
and cadm ium. Please determine and comply w ith local
regulat ions when di sposing of d epleted ba tteries.
Turn the T V on:
Press th e power swit ch a t the front side of the T V. An
indicato r on the fro nt of the T V lights up .
Press th e POWER but ton or the C H + / - button on t he
remote c ontrol.
Cable box
Note: The first time (and only the first time) you turn on your set you see an installation introduction screen. The installation procedure consists of a series of screens that guide you through the process.After an introduction screen, you are as ked to
select a language of the TV ’s on-screen menus.
Press the cursor up/down to highlight your
(The text of the header and the info on scree n
continuously change language.)
Press the OK button.
Follow the on-screen instruction s to proceed.