When All has been selected, al l items in the age-based and in
the contents-based lists are loc ked. If, while All is selected,
any other item, either an age-b ased or content-based item, is
unselected, then All is autom atically unselected.
None is the selection for items that e ither have no rating
information or have a rating of None. Both will be lo cked.
When an item on the age-based li st is selected, all items below
that item of the same group are locked as well. When you
select a content-based rating , all identical content- based
ratings in the younger age-based c ategories are also selected.
Age-based Rating Conte nt-based Rating
All none
None none
TV-Y none
TV-Y7 (FV) Fantasy Violence
TV-G none
TV-PG (D) Dialog
(L) Language
(S) Sex
(V) Violence
TV-14 (D) Dialog
(L) Language
(S) Sex
(V) Violence
TV-MA (L) Language
(S) Sex
(V) Violence
TV-Y appropriate for children of all ages with themes and
elements suitable for children aged 2- 6
TV-Y7 programs designed for children age 7 and older
TV-Y7-FV programs include fantasy violence m ore intense than other
programs in the TV-Y7 category
TV-G programs suitable for all ages . These programs contain little
or no violence, no strong language and lit tle or no sexual
dialogue or situations
TV-PG programs contain elements t hat some parents may find
unsuitable for younger children and which may need
parental guidance. The program may cont ain moderate
violence, sexual dialogue and/o r situations and some strong
TV-14 programs contain elements that may not be suitable for
children under 14 years of age. These programs include one
or more of the following: intense violence, int ense sexual
situations, suggestive dialog ue and strong language.
TV-MA programs are designed to be viewed by adults and m ay be
unsuitable for children under the age of 17. These programs
may contain graphic violence, explic it sexual activity and/or
crude or indecent language.