There is no need to set subtitles in Text for digital channels.
Digital chan nels can offe r se veral s ubti tle l anguage s for a
programme. You can s et a preferred primary and se condary
subtitle language. If subtitles in one of these languages are
available , the TV will show t hem.
If none of the preferred su btitle languages are available, you can
select another subtitle language which is available.
To set the primary and secondary subtitle language . . .
1 - Press h, select Setup and press OK.
2 - Select Channel settings and select Languages > Primary
subtitles or Secondary subtitles and press OK.
3 - Select a language and press OK.
4 - Press b, repeatedly if necessary, to close the menu.
To select a subtitle language when none of your preferred
languages are available . . .
1 - Press o OPTIONS
2 - Select Subtitle language and select a language you want
temporarily and press OK.
Audio language
Digital TV channe ls can broad cast au dio wi th s everal spoke n
languages for a programme. You can set a preferred primary
and s econdary audio language. If audio i n one of t hese
languages is available, the TV will switch to this audio.
If none of the preferred audio languages is available, you can
select another audio language which is available.
To set the primary and secondary audio language . . .
1 - Press h, select Setup and press OK.
2 - Select Channel settings and select Languages > Primary
audio or Secondary audio and press OK.
3 - Select a language and press OK.
4 - Press b, repeatedly if necessary, to close the menu.
To select an audio language when none of your preferred audio
language is available . . .
1 - Press o OPTIONS
2 - Select Audio language and select an audio language you
want temporarily and press OK.
Original language
If the digital channe l holds the ori ginal language of a programme
or movi e, y ou can set the TV to autom atical ly s witch to th at
audio lan guage. S et Origin al language to On to watch a dub bed
movie in its original language (if the original language is
available ).
To set Original language . . .
1 - Press h, select Setup and press OK.
2 - Select Channel settings and select Languages > Original
language and press OK.
3 - Select On or Off and press OK.
4 - Press b, repeatedly if necessary, to close the menu.
Audio languages for the hearing and visually impaired
Some digital TV channels broadcast special audio and subtitles
adapted for people wh o are heari ng or visu ally im paired.
In Help, press * List and look up Universal access for more
Menu language
To change the language of the TV menus and messages . . .
1 - Press h, select S Setup and press OK.
2 - Select TV settings > General settings > Menu language
and pres s OK.
3 - Select the language you want and press OK.
4 - Press b, repeatedly if necessary, to close the menu.
Timer s and clockSleeptimer
With t he sleep timer, you can set the TV to switch to standby
automatic ally after a preset time.
To set the sleep timer, press h, select S Setup and press
Select TV settings > General settings > Sleep timer. With
the slider bar you can set the ti me to up to 180 minutes in
increments of 5 minutes . If set to 0 minutes, the sleep timer is
switched off.
You can always switch off your TV earlier or reset the time
during the countdown.
To know what time it is, press GUID E to find the time in the
TV guide.
In some countrie s, digital broadcasts do not s end UTC -
Coordinated Universal Time information. The daylight saving
change mi ght be ignored an d the TV might show an incorrect
To correct the TV clock, press h, select S Setup and press
Select TV settings > General settings > Clock and select
Country dependent.
Select Daylight saving and select the appropriate setting.
To set the time and date manually, select Manual. Then select
Time or Date.
When you record p rogrammes with Smart TV, Recording, we
recomm end not to chang e the time and date manu ally.
TV / Timers and clock 35