2 - Press the * (yellow) key to open the list of detected
mobile devices.
3 - Select Link a mobile device and press OK to view the
code to link up.
4 - On the mobile device, start the MyRemote App and tap
the Setup button on the home menu.
5 - Tap the TV guide item.
6 - Enter the code to link up.
The MyRemote recording setting
Make sure this setting is switched on to schedule a recording.
1 - Press h and select S Setup and press OK.
2 - Select Network settings > MyRemote recording.
3 - Select On and press OK.
4 - Press b, repeatedly if necessary, to close the menu.
Using the TV guide
With t he TV guide function, you can call up the T V guid e of
your TV on your smartphone or tabl et. You can consult the TV
schedule and read programme info. You can tap the
programme title to s witch the TV to the selecte d channel
If you have a USB Hard Drive ins talled on your TV, you can
schedule recordings on the TV from your smartphone or
To open the TV guide, tap the TV guide button on the
MyRemote App menu.
The first time you tap the TV guide button, you will be asked
to link up the tablet and TV , if you did not link up yet.
Schedule a recording
With t he MyR emote App you can sch edule a recordin g in th e
TV guide of the TV.
For more informa tion on Recordi ng, p ress * List and look up
With t he Control function on the MyRemote App menu, you
turn your smartphone or tablet into a full remote control for
your TV.
Tap the Control button to select the TV (or Philips Blu-ray
Disc player or Home The atre S yste m) to control.
Tap the device icon to show its remote control.
Wi-Fi smart scree n
What you need
With t he Wi-F i sm art scr een function, you can watch a digital
TV channel from your TV on your smartphone or tablet. If you
use an Android operating system, you can only view free-to-air
TV channels.
What you need
To watch TV on your smartphone or tablet . . .
• you must have digital TV channels installed on your TV (the
channels you watch with Watch TV)
• the TV must be switched on
• your home network must be a secured network. Secure your
network with WEP, WPA, WPA 2 or set it up using WPS.
• you must have the setting Wi-Fi smart scree n switched on.
Press h (home) > Setup > Network settings > Wi-Fi smar t
Buy Wi-Fi smart screen
How to buy
Tap Wi-Fi sm art s creen in the App m enu to open the
functi on. I f you di d not purchas e th is function yet, you w ill be
asked to buy it online. After t he purchas e, Wi- Fi sm art s creen
opens autom atical ly an d you can s tart wat ching TV.
Parental rating
Some digital broadcasters have rated their programmes. When
the rating is equal or higher than the rating you have set for
your child's age, the p rogramme will be locked. You wi ll need a
PIN code to unlock and watch the programme.
To switch on Parental rating, tap the Setup button on the App
menu. Switch on Parental rating, set your PIN code and set an
age. T he paren tal rating in the MyRem ote App is se t for
watching TV on your sm artphone or tablet, not the TV .
If you have forgotten your PIN code, you need to reinstall the
MyRemote App from the App store. On the purchase page for
Wi-Fi s mart s creen, you can restore your purchas e wit hout
Watch a TV channel
To watch a TV channel with the Wi-Fi smart screen function ,
tap Wi-Fi smart scree n in the App menu. Wi-Fi smart screen
will show th e TV channel currentl y on TV. If the T V is
switched to a connected device, you need to switch the TV
back to Watch TV or to Watch Satellite (if a built-in satellite
tuner is available).
Switch TV channels
64 Smart TV / MyRemote App