2001 Nov 01 4
Philips Semiconductors Product specification

860 MHz, 20 dB gain power doubler amplifier BGD814

1. Slope straight line is defined as gain at 870 MHz against gain at 45 MHz.
2. Tilt = 10.2 dB (55 to 745 MHz).
3. Tilt = 7.3 dB (55 to 547 MHz).
4. fp= 55.25 MHz; Vp= 44 dBmV; fq= 805.25 MHz; Vq= 44 dBmV; measured at fp+f
q= 860.5 MHz.
5. Measured according to DIN45004B: fp= 851.25 MHz; Vp=V
; fq= 858.25 MHz; Vq=V
o6 dB; fr= 860.25 MHz;
o6 dB; measured at fp+f
r= 849.25 MHz.
6. The module normally operates at VB= 24 V, but is able to withstand supply transients up to 35 V.
CSO composite second
order distortion 79 chs flat; Vo= 44 dBmV; fm= 548.5 MHz −−−68 dB
112 chs flat; Vo= 44 dBmV; fm= 746.5 MHz −−−61 dB
132 chs flat; Vo= 44 dBmV; fm= 860.5 MHz −−−57 dB
112 chs; fm= 210 MHz; Vo= 50.2 dBmV at
745 MHz; note 2 −−−56 dB
79 chs; fm= 210 MHz; Vo= 47.3 dBmV at
547 MHz; note 3 −−−64 dB
d2second order distortion note 4 −−−69 dB
Vooutput voltage dim =60 dB; note 5 64 −−dBmV
CTB compression = 1 dB; 132 chs flat;
f = 859.25 MHz 48 −−dBmV
CSO compression = 1 dB; 132 chs flat;
f = 860.5 MHz 50 −−dBmV
NF noise figure f = 50 MHz −−5.5 dB
f = 550 MHz −−5.5 dB
f = 750 MHz −−6.5 dB
f = 870 MHz −−7.5 dB
Itot total current
consumption (DC) note 6 380 395 410 mA