beyond the operation range, the antenna icon will blink.
When reaching the range limit and the conversation becomes crackly, move closer to the base.
4.3Registering handset
The procedures described below are the procedures that you will find in your handset. The procedures may vary according to the handset you want to register. In this case, please refer to the manufacturer of the additional handset. Additional handsets must be registered to the base unit before you can use them. Up to 4 handsets can be registered to one base station.
1Insert battery to power up the handset. The LCD displays "PRESS
2Press <OK on handset, the LCD displays "HOLD LOCATOR KEY
3Within 5 minutes, press the locator
key on base station to start registration.
4If registration succeeds, the handset
returns to idle mode.
5If registration fails, the LCD will display "PRESS OK KEY TO REGISTER". Repeat the process again.
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