>'($&7&2'(@ - An
Use this player’s DivX registration code when you rent or purchase video from www.divx.com/vod. The DivX videos rented or purchased through the DivX® VOD (Video On Demand) service can be played only on the device to which it is registered.
Deactivate the authorization to current user.
Navigate to >'($&7,9$7,21@, and then press OK.
Select ><(6@, and then press OKWRFRQÀUP
3Write down the deactivation code.
Select >'21(@, and then press OK to
»The authorization to current user is deactivated.
Visit www.divx.com/vod to know about how to activate the device.
Press SETUP.
Press to navigate to the >$8',26(783@ page, and then press
3Press to select an option, and them press
Press to select a setting, and then press OKWRFRQÀUP
To exit the menu, press SETUP.
Select a suitable setting if you have connected an audio/video device to the COAXIAL (DIGITAL AUDIO) socket on the unit.
>63',)2))@ - Select this option to turn off digital output.
>63',)5$:@ - Select this option if the connected device is a
>63',)3&0@ - Select this option if the connected device cannot decode multi- channel audio.
Select a suitable audio downmix when you play a DVD recorded in Dolby Digital format.
>/757@ - Select this if the unit is connected to a Dolby Pro Logic decoder.
>67(5(2@ - Select this when output delivers sound from only the two front speakers.
>966@ - Allow the DVD player to use virtual surround sound effects.
Make loud sound level softer and soft sound level louder so that you can watch the DVD movies at a low volume, without disturbing others.
>21@ - Enjoy quiet viewing at night.
>2))@ - Enjoy surround sound with a full dynamic range.
Applicable only to Dolby Digital encoded DVD.
6HOHFWWKH'\QDPLF5DQJWRÀWWKHLQGLYLGXDO listening situation of the audience. The variable range is from FULL, 6/8~2/8 or OFF.
>)8//@ - Audio with fully compressed Dynamic Range.
>a@ - Audio with partially compressed Dynamic Range.
>2))@ - Audio with uncompressed Dynamic Range.
Select a virtual surround sound mode from the following modes:
>&21&(57@ >&+85&+@ >3$66,9(@ >:,'(@ >/,9(@