| Model |
www.philips.com/support | Serial |
Country | Number | Tariff |
Austria | 0810 000205 | €0.07/min |
Belgium | 078250145 | €0.06/min |
Bulgaria | +3592 489 99 96 | local |
Croatia | 01 3033 754 | local |
Czech Rep | 800142840 | free |
Denmark | 3525 8759 | local |
Finland | 09 2311 3415 | local |
France | 0821 611655 | €0.09/min |
Germany | 01803 386 852 | €0.09/min |
Greece | 0 0800 3122 1280 | free |
Hungary | 0680018189 | free |
Ireland | 0800 055 6882 | free |
Italy | 840320086 | €0.08/min |
Luxembourg | 40 6661 5644 | local |
Netherlands | 0900 8407 | €0.10/min |
Norway | 2270 8111 | local |
Poland | 0223491504 | local |
Portugal | 2 1359 1442 | local |
Romania | local | |
Russia | (495) | local |
Serbia | +381 114 440 841 | local |
Slovakia | 0800 004537 | free |
Slovenia | 01 280 95 22 | local |
Spain | 902 888 784 | €0.10/min |
Sweden | 08 5792 9100 | local |
Switzerland | 0844 800 544 | local |
Turkey | 0800 261 3302 | local |
UK | 0870 900 9070 | local |
Ukraine | 044 254 2392 | local |
This information is correct at the time of press. For updated contact information, refer to www.philips.com/support.