Philips FW585C CD Synchro Start Recording, One Touch Recording, Digital Recording via Digital Out

Models: FW585C

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–You can listen to another source while dubbing.
(from tape deck 1 to

Dubbing tapes tape deck 2)

1Press TAPE ( TAPE 1•2 ) to select tape deck 2.

2Load the prerecorded tape into tape deck 1 and a blank tape into tape deck 2.

ªMake sure the tape in tape deck 1 has its full spool to the left.

3(For Tape Deck 2 only)

Press SIDE on the remote control to select the recording side.

4Press DUB (HSD) once for normal speed dubbing or twice (within 2 seconds) for high speed dubbing.

ªNORMAL” (normal speed) or “FAST” (high speed) will be displayed, followed by “DUBBING”.

ªThe HSD flag appears on the display during high speed dubbing.

Dubbing will start immediately.

ªThe REC flag starts flashing. 5 Pressto stop dubbing.


At the end of side A, flip the tapes to side B and repeat the procedure.

Dubbing of tapes is only possible from tape deck 1 to tape deck 2.

To ensure good dubbing, use tapes of the same length.

During high speed dubbing in Tape mode, the sound is reduced to a low volume.

You can listen to another source while dubbing.

CD Synchro Start Recording

1Load a blank tape into tape deck 2 and a disc into a disc tray.

2Press CD to select CD mode.

You can program the tracks in the order you want them to be recorded (see

Programming Tracks). If you do not, the tracks are recorded according to the order on the selected disc.

3Press REC to start recording.

ªThe REC flag starts flashing.

CD will start playback automatically.

4 Pressto stop recording.

One Touch Recording

For One Touch Recording, as soon as you press REC, the current source (CD, TUNER or AUX) will be recorded on tape deck 2

1Load a blank tape in tape deck 2.

2Press REC to start recording. ª The REC flag starts flashing.

3Pressto stop recording.


When you press RECORD while in TAPE mode, "SELECT SOURCE" will be displayed. One Touch Recording is not possible in TAPE mode.

Digital Recording via Digital Out

For CD digital recording, please refer to the Instructions Manual of the CD Recorder, digital audio equipment, etc.




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Philips FW585C CD Synchro Start Recording, One Touch Recording, Digital Recording via Digital Out, 3For Tape Deck 2 only