Using hdd controls
Reset hdd
Restore hdd factory settings Basic Operation
Switch hdd on / off
Call up library options
Lock keys / release locks on hdd Go to different levels of menu Scrolling and browsing
Play music
Pause music
Fast forward in a track
Rewind in a track
Start a track over
Change volume
Play next or previous track
Controls to press
Press and hold 3 + [VOLUME +]
Press MENU/HOLD; scroll to Factory Settings➔Restore. Press 2 to confirm
Controls to press
Press and hold 2;
Press and hold MENU/HOLD Press 2 for next and 1 for previous 3, 4, 1, 2 for up, down, left, right Highlight selection and press 2; Press 2; during playback
Press halfway down and hold 4
Press halfway down and hold 3
Press ¡1 during playback
Press VOLUME + / –
Press fully down 4 for next and 3 for previous
Press 3 or 4 halfway and hold