9397 750 13928 © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2004. All rights reserved.
Product data Rev. 03 – 23 August 2004 20 of 31
Philips Semiconductors PNX2000
Audio video input processor
10.2 Dynamic characteristics
Table 22: Static characteristics: analog pins
Tamb = 0 °C to +70 °C to commercial unless otherwise specified.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
VIT input threshold dtc_lowth = 0 - 1.65 - V
VIT input threshold dtc_lowth = 1 - 0.65 - V
Reset: RESET_N
Vtrip_high high trip level RESET_SEL = 0 1.0 1.2 1.4 V
Vtrip_low low trip level RESET_SEL = 0 0.95 1.1 1.3 V
Vsens input sensitivity - - 6 - mV
Zdiff differential line load impedance across input diff pair - 100 - Ω
VDATA(pos) data pos . range - 0 - 300 mV
VDATA(neg) data neg. range - 0 - 300 mV
VSTROBE(pos) strobe pos. ra nge - 0 - 300 mV
VSTROBE(neg) strobe neg. range - 0 - 300 mV
Audio DACs: ADAC1-12P, ADAC1-12N
VREFP positive reference voltage - 3.0 3.3 3.6 V
VREFN negative reference voltage - - 0 - V
IREFP positive reference current - - 820 - µA
Audio DACs: ADAC1-12
VOUT(rms) output voltage (rms); single-ended, digital
i/p level = 0 dBFS - - 1.17 - V
ROUT output resistance - 0.7 1.0 1.3 kΩ
RLload resistance - 10 - - kΩ
Table 23: Dynamic characteristics
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
fclk clock frequency - - 400 - kHz
trrise time 1.5 kΩ ext. pull-up; 160 pF load - 550 - ns
tffa ll time 1.5 kΩ ex t. pull-up; 160 pF load 130 162 245 ns
Viddec: HVINFO (slew rate limited)
tthl output transition time (H to L) 30 pF load - 10 13.8 ns
ttlh output transition time (L to H) 30 pF load - 10 13.8 ns
tsu(DATA) data setup at Rx 40 pF load - - 7.3 ns