14Sync with PC media library through Philips Songbird
With Philips Songbird, you can do the following: Manage your music collection on a PC; Sync VIDEO4.3 with your PC music
Register VIDEO4.3 on www.philips. com/welcome.
Install Philips Songbird
1 Connect VIDEO4.3 to a PC.
2 On the PC, select My Computer (Windows XP / Windows 2000) / Computer (Windows Vista / Windows 7).
3 Right click on the Philips GoGear VIDEO4.3 icon. Select Download Philips Songbird.
Alternatively, click the Philips GoGear VIDEO4.3 icon. Double click the setup.exe.
4 Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.
The installation requires you to agree to the license terms.
Set the watch folder
Create a central folder
<RXFDQKDYHDOOPXVLFÀOHVDXWRPDWLFDOO\DGGHG to your library when you copy them to a folder. Creating a central folder is recommended. In Philips Songbird, set the central folder as the watch folder. Each time you launch Philips Songbird, songs are added to/ removed from Philips Songbird as they are on the central folder.
On the PC, create a central folder to save all PXVLFÀOHVIRUH[DPSOH'?6RQJELUGPHGLD
First-time launch
7KHÀUVWWLPH\RXODXQFKPhilips Songbird on a PC, do the following as prompted to import H[LVWLQJPHGLDÀOHVLQWRPhilips Songbird:
Select the iTunes media folder to import an existing iTunes library;
Select the central folder to search and LPSRUWWKHH[LVWLQJPXVLFÀOHV
»The central folder is set as the watch folder of Philips Songbird.
Set iTunes media folder
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