Unauthorized duplication of any recordings whether downloaded from the Internet or made from audio CDs is a violation of copyright laws and international treaties.
The making of unauthorized copies of copy- protected material, including computer
SURJUDPVÀOHVEURDGFDVWVDQGVRXQG recordings, may be an infringement of copyrights and constitute a criminal offense. This equipment should not be used for such purposes.
The Windows Media and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Be responsible! Respect copyrights.
Philips respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. Multimedia content on the internet may have been created and/or distributed without the original copyright owner's authorization. Copying or distributing unauthorized content may violate copyright laws in various countries including yours.
Compliance with copyright laws remains your responsibility.
The recording and transfer to the portable player of video streams downloaded to your computer is intended only for use with public domain or properly licensed content.You may only use such content for your private,
Data logging
Philips is committed to improving the quality of your product and enhancing the Philips user H[SHULHQFH7RXQGHUVWDQGWKHXVDJHSURÀOHRI this device, this device logs some info / data to the
Monkey's Audio decoder
aThe Monkey's Audio SDK and source code can be freely used to add APE format playback, encoding, or tagging support to any product, free or commercial. Use of the code for proprietary efforts that don't support
bMonkey's Audio source can be included in GPL and
cCode changes and improvements must be contributed back to the Monkey's Audio project free from restrictions or royalties, unless exempted by express written consent of the author.
dAny source code, ideas, or libraries used must be plainly acknowledged in the software using the code.