1. General description

The TFA9843AJ contains two identical audio power amplifiers. The TFA9843AJ can be
used as two Single-Ended (SE) channels with a volume control. The maximum gain is
26 dB.
The TFA9843AJ comes in a 9-pin DIL-bent-SIL (DBS9P) power package. The TFA9843AJ
is pin compatible with the TFA9842AJ, TFA9843(B)J, TFA9842(B)J and TFA9841J. The
difference between the TFA9843AJ and the TFA9843(B)J, TFA9842(B)J, TFA9841J is the
functionality of pin 7. The TFA9843AJ has a volume control on pin 7 (VC). The
TFA9843(B)J, TFA9842(B)J and TFA9841J have a mode select on pin 7 (MODE).
The TFA9843AJ contains a unique protection circuit that is solely based on multiple
temperature measurements inside the chip. This gives maximum output power for all
supply voltages and load conditions with no unnecessary audio holes. Almost any supply
voltage and load impedance combination can be made as long as thermal boundary
conditions (number of channels used, external heatsink and ambient temperature) allow

2. Features

n2 channel SE: 1 W to 20 W operation possibility
nSoft clipping
nInput clamps
nVolume control
nStandby and Mute mode
nNo on or off switching plops
nLow standby current
nHigh supply voltage ripple rejection
nOutputs short-circuit protected to ground, supply and across the load
nThermally protected
nPin compatible with the TFA9842AJ, TFA9843(B)J, TFA9842(B)J, TFA9841J

3. Applications

nPC speakers
nBoom box
nMini and micro audio receivers


20 W stereo power amplifier with volume control

Rev. 01 — 28 April 2006 Preliminary data sheet