ave you ever played hide |
Hand seek with your remote |
control? Are you tired of tearing |
the house apart trying to find if |
someone has stuffed the remote |
under the couch, put it on the |
shelves, or hid it in the desk? |
Well, your TV remote can save |
you all that looking by automati- | Your TV is |
cally signaling its location to |
| |
you. | attempting to locate |
| |
Here’s how it works: |
| ||
| |
BEGIN | a lost |
Press the POWER button on |
| |
remote control |
| |
the set to turn the TV ON. |
| |
Note: Normally you can press |
any button on the front of the TV |
to turn the set ON. But for the |
remote locator to work you need |
to be sure to use the Power but- |
ton at the TV. |
A “locating remote” message |
shows on the TV screen. |
Within a few seconds a |
chirping or beeping sound will |
begin to come from the remote |
control hand unit. | REMOTE LOCATOR “HOMING” |
The remote will continue to sig- | RANGE IS AROUND 30 FEET. |
| |
nal its location for around 30 |
seconds. Normal TV program |
sound will not be heard while the |
remote locator is working. |
| ◀ – VOLUME + ▶ | CHANNEL |
| ||
Once you find the remote |
just press any button on the | POWER | MENU |
| ||
remote and the beeping will stop. |
The remote is now ready for nor- |
mal TV feature use. | 1 |
| |
Remember, the remote |
locator may not properly |
receive its “homing” signal from |
the TV if it has been placed on a |
metal shelf or counter material. |
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