© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2005. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 23 May 2005 111 of 133
Philips Semiconductors UM10109
P89LPC932A1 User manual
Write the address of the next byte to be programmed to FMADRL, if desired. (Not
needed for contiguous bytes since FMADRL is auto-incremented). All bytes to be
programmed must be within the same page.
Write the data for the next byte to be programmed to FMDATA.
Repeat writing of FMADRL and/or FMDATA until all desired bytes have been loaded
into the page register.
Write the page address in user code memory to FMADRH and FMADRL[7:6], if not
previously included when writing the page register address to FMADRL[5:0].
Write the erase-program command (68H) to FMCON, starting the erase-program
Read FMCON to check status. If aborted, repeat starting with the LOAD command.
An assembly language routine to load the page register and perform an erase/program
operation is shown below.
;* pgm user code *
;* *
;* Inputs: *
;*R3 = number of bytes to program (byte) *
;*R4 = page address MSB(byte) *
Table 94: Flash Memory Control register (FMCON - address E4h) bit allocation
Bit 76543210
Symbol (R)----HVAHVESVOI
Table 95: Flash Memory Control register (FMCON - address E4h) bit description
Bit Symbol Access Description
0 OI R Operation interrupted. Set when cycle aborted due to an interrupt or reset.
FMCMD.0 W Command byte bit 0.
1 SV R Security violation. Set when an attempt is made to program, erase, or CRC a secured sector or
FMCMD.1 W Command byte bit 1
2 HVE R High voltage error. Set when an error occurs in the high voltage generator.
FMCMD.2 W Command byte bit 2.
3 HVA R High voltage abort. Set if either an interrupt or a brown-out is detected during a program or
erase cycle. Also set if the brown-out detector is disabled at the start of a program or erase
FMCMD.3 W Command byte bit 3.
4:7 - R reserved
4:7 FMCMD.4 W Command byte bit 4.
4:7 FMCMD.5 W Command byte bit 5.
4:7 FMCMD.6 W Command byte bit 6.
4:7 FMCMD.7 W Command byte bit 7.