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© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2005. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 23 May 2005 17 of 133
Philips Semiconductors UM10109
P89LPC932A1 User manual
P0M2 Port0 output mode 2 85H (P0M2.7) (P0M2.6) (P0M2.5) (P0M2.4) (P0M2.3) (P0M2.2) (P0M2.1) (P0M2.0) 00[1] 00000000
P1M1 Port1 output mode 1 91H (P1M1.7) (P1M1.6) - (P1M1.4) (P1M1.3) (P1M1.2) (P1M1.1) (P1M1.0) D3[1] 11x1xx11
P1M2 Port1 output mode 2 92H (P1M2.7) (P1M2.6) - (P1M2.4) (P1M2.3) (P1M2.2) (P1M2.1) (P1M2.0) 00[1] 00x0xx00
P2M1 Port2 output mode 1 A4H (P2M1.7) (P2M1.6) (P2M1.5) (P2M1.4) (P2M1.3) (P2M1.2) (P2M1.1) (P2M1.0) FF[1] 1111 1111
P2M2 Port2 output mode 2 A5H (P2M2.7) (P2M2.6) (P2M2.5) (P2M2.4) (P2M2.3) (P2M2.2) (P2M2.1) (P2M2.0) 00[1] 0000 0000
P3M1Port3 output mode1B1H------(P3M1.1)(P3M1.0)03
[1] xxxxxx11
P3M2Port3 output mode2B2H------(P3M2.1)(P3M2.0)00
[1] xxxxxx00
PCON Power control register 87H SMOD1 SMOD0 BOPD BOI GF1 GF0 PMOD1 PMOD0 00 00000000
PCONA Power control register A B5H RTCPD DEEPD VCPD - I2PD SPPD SPD CCUPD 00[1] 0000 0000
Bit address D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
PSW* P rogram status word D0H CY AC F0 RS1 RS0 OV F1 P 00 0000 0000
PT0AD Port 0 digital input disable F6H - - PT0AD.5 PT0AD.4 PT0AD.3 PT0AD.2 PT0AD.1 - 00 xx00 000x
RSTSRC Reset source register DFH - - BOF POF R_BK R_W D R_SF R_EX [3]
RTCCON Real-time clock control D1H RTCF RTCS1 RTCS0 - - - ERTC RTCEN 60[1][6] 011x xx00
RTCH Real-time clock register
D2H 00[6] 0000 0000
RTCL Real-time clock register
D3H 00[6] 0000 0000
SADDR Serial port address
A9H 00 0000 0000
SADEN Serial port address enable B9H 00 0000 0000
SBUF Serial Port data buffer
99H xx xxxxxxxx
Table 2: P89LPC932A1 Special function registers …continued
* indicates SFRs that are bit addressable.
Name Description SFR
Bit functions and addresses Reset value
MSB LSB Hex Binary